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Arjowiggins Graphic launches 'first' 100% recycled label stock for packaging paper market
Sep 03 2012 09:59:48 , 1022

Arjowiggins Graphic launches 'first' 100% recycled label stock for packaging paper market.

Maine 1 Face Natural has been designed in response to growing customer demand for companies wanting to demonstrate their sustainability credentials.


According to the manufacturer, the main markets targeted are the food and beverage sectors such as soft packaging for coffee, cigarettes and chocolate. It is designed for high-speed labelling and packaging and is compatible with all types of adhesive.


According to AG ther are a number of benefits for people who use recyclable paper, being seen to be green is a key policy for most businesses at the moment.


The company claims Maine 1 Face Natural using 100% less wood, 60% less energy, 50% less water and 30% less CO2 emissions compared to virgin fibre label products.


The label is created using de-inked pulp and manufactured at its site in Le Bourray France.


Julian Long, national key account manager at AG said there is typically a 10% premium on 100% recycled label paper products compared to similar virgin fibre alternatives.


"It must be remembered that the label is often a relatively small part of the overall packaging cost, so the premium for using a recycled label paper becomes really quite small," he adds.