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Ricoh offers gateway to personal direct mail with TotalFlow DocEnhancer
Dec 05 2012 08:50:17 , 1015

Ricoh has launched a new plug-in for Adobe Acrobat X Pro which promises to allow print providers to expand their business opportunities. TotalFlow DocEnhancer will help PSPs offer services such as document re-engineering and cross-media marketing to customers needing last-minute changes to print-ready PDFs.

The new addition to Ricoh's 'broad portfolio' of TotalFlow software and services will help print businesses to index data within a document to offer more precise tracking and control in personalised direct mail applications, as well as offering the ability to add data such as QR codes without having to return the document to the design department. Featuring technology originally developed for use by high-end data centres and transactional printers, TotalFlow DocEnhancer is an affordable, easy-to-use option for the personalised printing market, says Ricoh.

"As print service providers seek to grow and expand their businesses, the more traditional processes to manage mailing may not always provide the speed, efficiency and personalisation required," says Benoit Chatelard, general manager solutions, Production Printing Business Group, Ricoh. "TotalFlow DocEnhancer will integrate seamlessly with production processes to provide a flexible and responsive way to manage multiple channel mailings on behalf of their clients."