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Curvorama hangs ten with Hybrid at Wide Format Wave
Jan 16 2013 09:30:28 , 1024

Fresco's Curvorama has been in development since the 1990s

Hybrid Services has revealed that Fresco's Curvorama curved pop-up display will be amongst the applications partners at its Wide Format Wave event, taking place on February 5th and 6th at its headquarters in Crewe.

The bezel-free modular display stand creates curved yet gapless backgrounds, with magnetic bars attached to the top and tail of Soyang's SoFlat banner media. Fresco explains that the development process has been one of trial and error: "A seamless picture was always my goal," explains Miles Harris, managing director.

"We tried many ways to join multiple drops – low tack adhesives, electrostatics, Velcro and others, but they just didn't do the job. We firmly believe that if you can get customers to bring you problems, [you] can turn them into products."

Harris elaborates that the system, which has three patents, is lightweight and condenses into a transporter bag that 'can ship as hand baggage on some aircraft', and is reuseable. "Recycling is good," he adds, "but reusing is far, far better."

Fresco prints to the Soyang material with a Mimaki JV33, and will take part in the free Hybrid-led day to provide education around application development.