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Dutch digital print specialist opts for Screen Truepress flat-bed
Apr 16 2014 09:39:42 , 972

The Screen Truepress is suited to detailed compact printing

Aelen en van Leeuwen, a Netherlands-based wide-format and digital print house, has installed aScreen Truepress Jet W1632UV to increase its capacity to produce compact items that stand up to scrutiny at close viewing distances.

The 1.6 x 3.2m UV-curable flat-bed Truepress Jet W1632UV claims photographic output quality at up to 1,200dpi. With twelve-picolitre micro droplet print-heads and a speed of 94sq m/hr, the company uses it to produce compact, multiple-up items such as table displays, menu cards and lampshades.

The Dutch printer can employ the engine for smaller, high-quality runs if other machines are busy. Its six-colour (CMYKlclm) and flexible ink set mean it can produce a bond with materials traditionally considered difficult to print, on such as polypropylene and glass. It can also be used for lenticular printing.

"The Screen Truepress Jet W1632UV [...] has twelve-picolitre nozzles, which produce an even finer print," says managing director Nico Aelen. "On billboards, posters and large displays this is not usually visible because of the greater distance, but on smaller, more compact products, such as counter displays, which require perfect quality images, and menu cards with smaller, sharp letter groups, it comes into its own."