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The man behind the carnival
Apr 18 2014 10:26:53 , 1067
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Rudi Blackett: the brain behind the show says it is the best exhibition yet

“Already larger in floor-space than the 2013 exhibition, Sign and Digital UK 2014 has seen a growth in bookings across the board, with particular interest from wide format print suppliers, signage and display systems, lighting, and digital signage firms,” says Blackett.

The show has increased its floor space by 20 percent, making it larger than last year and one the largest shows ever. 

It has been boosted by the release of a three part documentary about the origins of the show and how it has developed and is set to change in the future. 

Already larger in floor-space than the 2013 exhibition, Sign and Digital UK 2014 has seen a growth in bookings across the board, with particular interest from wide format print suppliers, signage and display systems, lighting, and digital signage firms

Hosted on the only video sharing hub dedicated to the international sign industry, sign7tv.com, the documentary is mainly spoken in the words of visitors and exhibitors who share their insights and colourful stories, and some who have been to every show since the 1980s—when shoulder pads and power suits were in vogue and long before the advent of wide-format or even the internet.

In its modern era, Blackett is credited with being the driving force behind its transition from being a small-scale operation to its current state as a slick state-of-the-art exhibition pulling in the very biggest names in the supply of trade products, sign manufacturing, and wide-format print technology.