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FESPA UK to bring 'Screen Printing Now' conference to London with Sakurai
Apr 24 2014 10:52:50 , 1085

Martyn Hicks is chairman of the FESPA UK Association

FESPA UK and Sakurai Graphic Systems will host the inaugural 'Screen Printing Now' conference in London between September 30th to October 2nd.

The event aims to showcase developments in the world of screen-printing and focus on industrial, graphic arts and textile printing, with experts invited to speak on each topic; visitors can also see live printing demonstrations and meet industry suppliers. Speakers include representatives from NJ Screen Prints, DS Smith Multigraphics, Marabu UK, Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating, Sakurai Japan, Natgraph, Macdermid Autotype, G Bopp and Co, CST and others.

Chairman of FESPA UK, Martyn Hicks, says: "Screen-printing is far from a dying process, and offers unique solutions. It is actually becoming increasingly important in certain sectors. 'Screen Printing Now' is not only a celebration of screen-printing, in but also an opportunity for a wide range of delegates to discover how the process is accelerating its development to serve future technologies.

"We are confident the event will provide invaluable insights and information for anyone involved in screen printing," he concludes.