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Esko highlights new finishing machines at FESPA Digital 2014
May 23 2014 09:32:32 , 1104

The Kongsberg C-series is being demonstrated live on Esko's FESPA Digital booth

Esko has given two new finishing machines – the Kongsberg V- and C-series – their EMEA débuts at FESPA Digital 2014.

The Kongsberg V is an entry-level model, available in two different configurations for the EMEA market. The sign version features MultiCut, which includes a camera system for visual control when cutting and routing, as well as an air-cooled milling spindle capable of 45,000rpm. The packaging-optimised device boasts elements that make it suitable for sample production, according to Esko, along with the company's FlexiHead for cutting, routing and creasing various packaging substrates. Both models are available in two sizes – the V20 (1.7 x 1.3m) and V24 (1.7 x 3.2m).

"Esko began testing the market with this new family of cutting tables in Asia last year," states Marian Zincke, vice-president for digital finishing. "Results clearly illustrated that there is a global need for a high-end digital finishing solution at an attractive entry-level price."

The Kongsberg C-series, first shown at SGIA 2013, features a carbon composite traverse beam, making it able to handle wide substrates more quickly. The C64 cutting table can handle materials up to 3.2 x 3.2m and the C60 3.2 x 1.6m, up to triple wall thickness, while both Kongsberg C models can operate at up to 100m per minute. Due to the size of the table, the C-series also features a roll feeder for easier loading and unloading of substrates.