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FESPA Digital 2014 opens its doors
May 30 2014 11:09:11 , 1057
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The city of Munich will welcome thousands of visitors during the four-day FESPA Digital event

The event, which will feature FESPA Digital, FESPA Fabric and the co-located European Sign Expo, is 21 percent larger than the 2011 FESPA Digital event in Hamburg, with this year’s show expected to attract more interest than ever.

People from a total of 147 countries have pre-registered for the 2014 show, with the UK amongst the top-ten pre-registered visitors groups along with the likes of Germany, Italy and France.

Neil Felton, chief executive officer of FEDPA, enthuses: “The industry’s response to FESPA Digital 2014 with FESPA Fabric and European Sign Expo has been phenomenal.

The unprecedented interest and commitment from exhibitors proves that the level of optimism in the market is at its highest for many years, and that FESPA is seen as a primary platform for meeting decision-maker

“The unprecedented interest and commitment from exhibitors proves that the level of optimism in the market is at its highest for many years, and that FESPA is seen as a primary platform for meeting decision-makers.”

Throughout the four-day event, visitors can look forward to a host of educational seminars across four hubs, each of which is dedicated to a specialist market area—digital, fabric, sign and wrap.

The latter of these hubs will also play host to the ever-popular FESPA’s World Wrap Masters, which is likely to draw in plenty of interest from visitors.

With so many significant product launches lined up to happen here in Munich, visitors with an appetite for the latest technology innovation will get exactly what they hoped fo

Felton continues: “With so many significant product launches lined up to happen here in Munich, visitors with an appetite for the latest technology innovation will get exactly what they hoped for. 

“Those who come looking to learn or be inspired will find the richest learning programme we’ve ever delivered within a digital event, designed to reflect current trends shaping the market, and guide printers through the many bright spots in the ocean of digital opportunity.”