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KSA: Quran Exhibition Is Set For November
Jul 29 2014 10:11:43 , 1132

King Fahd Complex for Printing the Holy Quran in city of Medina invited all the institutions and people who are involved in printing and publication of Holy Quran to participate in an exhibition to be held from 25 to 27 November 2014. Organized by King Fahad Complex the exhibition will run along a symposium on printing and publishing aspects of Holy Quran.  

Dr. Mohammed Salem Al-Awfi secretary general of King Fahad Complex and head of symposium organizer committee said that a subcommittee has been established in King Fahad Complex to follow up with Symposium presentations. The subcommittee so far conducted 27 weekly meetings.

Awfi says the Symposium met with great interest of university educators and people involved in publication of holy Quran. The participation of a number of speakers from around the globe has already been confirmed. For registration and more information on the symposium you can visit: qprint.qurancomplex.gov.sa