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Antalis and Procos add sustainability and style to Packaging Innovations official show bag
Aug 22 2014 10:05:36 , 1277

Antalis has combined forces with packaging manufacturer Procos to create the official show bag for Packaging Innovations 2014.

The show bag uses Arjowiggins Creative Papers's eco-friendly Keaykolour substrate range, which is made from post-consumer recycled pulp, as well as waxed cotton handles to create a leather effect. The product is designed to reflect the four main tenants of the exhibition: sustainability, luxury materials, design and print.

"We're particularly excited about exhibiting at this year's show, not least because we're showcasing one of our many creative papers with the show bag," says Emma Linley, creative papers product manager at Antalis. "With so much to take in and so much valuable material to take away after a visit, it could well be that a suitably luxurious and reliable carrier bag will be the order of the day."