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Scalable menuboard networks installed across Suchef London food outlets by Eclipse
Sep 29 2014 14:12:02 , 1122

The company aims to offer a healthy alternative to fast food

Eclipse Digital has provided UK restaurant chain Suchef with a scalable, cloud-based menuboard network for its London quick service outlets.

The company provided Onelan media players to deliver content to each menuboard. Using the EmbedSignage software, manufactured by Eclipse, the networks are fully replicable and scalable, fitting in with Suchef’s needs as it expands its operations to other areas of the capital.

“Not only have Eclipse Digital provided us with leading edge technology and ideas on how best to deliver our menu board content; they were also ahead of the competition when it came to addressing regulatory changes in our industry that determined what information we would be legally required to deliver to our customers,” explains Mikhail Shiyanov, operations manager at Aroma Food Group UK. “Their thought process, professional creative skills and technical know-how have enabled us to confidently deploy digital menu boards throughout our locations and we would strongly recommend them to any food and beverage outlet looking at implementing a digital solution.”