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ColorGATE: New Version 9 Productionserver, Filmgate, Plategate and Proofgate
Jul 09 2015 09:58:31 , 1242

ColorGATE is glad to inform that the new Version 9 of Productionserver, Filmgate, Plategate and Proofgate are available.

“Version 9 is a new milestone in the development of ColorGATE RIP Software solutions. All innovations and improvements have been developed in accordance with the feedback of our customers and are reflecting at the same time our aspiration that ColorGATE RIP Software provides always the suitable features for excellent results for all applications in Digital Printing”, states Thomas Kirschner CEO and Founder.

All ColorGATE RIP Software solutions of Version 9 are equipped with the Adobe PDF Print Engine 3.5 for processing PDF and Postscript files. APPE 3.5 uses the same rendering technology as Adobe Acrobat XI. By utilizing special ColorGATE integration methods the overall rendering performance of the APPE 3.5 has been further enhanced and the entire workflow concerning stability and reliability has been optimized, too. Access Control Module (ACM) allows the easy creation of editing rights for individual users or user groups, restricting the access to particular functions or whole function sets (tabs). This ensures that only privileged users are able to change settings, for instance in Color Management. The list of restrictable features contains all essential RIP Software functions, which can be linked individually or as a complete set of functions (tabs) with respective access rights.

The Multichannel PSD Module (MPSDM) enables to process multichannel files (e.g. native Photoshop files PSD, PSB) via a sophisticated processing workflow. MPSDM is especially suitable for textile or ceramics printing as well as other printing applications with special color handling requirements, which are beyond typical process color combinations. Moreover, MSPDM enables a complete ICC color management for files using 3 to 8 channels.