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Printed Checkstand Belts Tap 'The Force'
Sep 04 2015 15:49:06 , 1410

Grand Rapids, Michigan-based MessageWrap, makers of grocery store conveyor belts with messages printed on them for marketing and advertising campaigns, has been hired by Target to make more than 1,000 Star Wars-themed belts for installation in the company’s stores.

The belts, which are installed for this week only, draw attention to the store’s “Force Friday” – an exclusive, midnight madness-type event where new “Star Wars” merchandise will be rolled out for a sale beginning at midnight, Sept. 4. The promotion is to generate excitement for “Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens,” which is due out in December.

The black rolling conveyor belts are perfectly suited to present the iconic introduction to the original Star Wars movie, where the text, "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…" scrolls across the movie screen.

According to numerous studies, grocery store conveyor belts are among the most contaminated environments in the entire store, given the constant contact with fresh foods, including raw meat packages, and shoppers. MessageWrap’s belts are covered with an antibacterial coating that not only keeps the belts more hygienic, but also allows for full-color advertising messages.

Got a news tip? Contact Tony Kindelspire