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Study Confirms Value of Digital Billboards
Sep 04 2015 15:51:01 , 1353

Digital billboards don’t just look nice—they do an effective job of getting a message across.

Those were the findings a recent study conducted by the research firmNielsen, which surveyed more than 1,200 drivers in five major U.S. cities who say they have driven on a roadway in the past month that features digital billboards. The study found that more than half – 55 percent – of the drivers were “highly engaged” with the billboards, meaning they noticed them either “every time” they drove past them or “most of the time.”

Advertisements were the most commonly noticed subject of a digital billboard, recalled by 82 percent of respondents as having seen one in the past month. Thirty-five percent of those surveyed recalled seeing an AMBER Alert or missing children alert; 24 percent recalled community information; and 18 percent noticed weather alerts.

“This detailed study highlights the effectiveness of digital billboards for businesses to communicate with consumers and for communities to reach the public,” says Nancy Fletcher, president and CEO of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, which commissioned the study. “Consumers are paying attention to the information presented to them and acting on it, whether they are drawn to a location featured on an ad, discussing the ad with friends and family, or attending an advertised event.”

The study also found digital billboards comparing favorably to other types of advertising. Seventy-one percent of respondents agreed with the statement that “ads on digital billboards stand out more than ads online,” and 46 percent felt the same as they relate to TV ads.

Nielsen ran six different ad campaigns in the five cities that were the focus of the study: Atlanta, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Phoenix and Tampa. The study found brand recall was high among those who notice digital billboards. Travelers surveyed recalled seeing at least one specific digital billboard ad between 74 percent to 89 percent of the time. The top-performing brand categories were entertainment, gaming, quick-service restaurants, recreation and televised sporting events.

Nationwide, there are 6,100 digital billboards, according to the OAAA.


Got a news tip? Contact Tony Kindelspire