Print Plays an Increasingly Important Role in a Multi-channel World for Marketers According to InfoTrends Study
Dec 11 2015 09:37:11 , 1240
Weymouth, MA - Print-based direct marketing is growing which is providing a huge opportunity for digital print. According to InfoTrends’ study Direct Marketing Production Printing & Value-Added Services: A strategy for growth, marketers are realizing print plays an important role in a multi-channel world.
This study provides strategy and business development support to help vendors, print service providers, and marketing service providers in both North America and Western Europe understand how to capture high value and high volume pages and services in a cross media environment.
One finding from this study is that there is a resurgence in the use of print catalogs. They continue to be used by marketers to target many different consumer demographics. Moreover, findings clearly show that Millennials in the U.S. and younger generations in Western Europe engage with and enjoy print catalogs. There is no dramatic differences when comparing age groups or in terms of income, gender, or parents/non-parents. “Catalogs are effective at triggering online and retail purchases” says Barb Pellow, Group Director of InfoTrends’ Consulting Group. “62% of consumers receiving catalogs who made a purchase within the last 3 months were influenced by the catalog.
When consumers were asked what were their favorite catalogs, strong interest was shown for big brands known for their catalogs, such as LL Bean, IKEA, Victoria’s Secret, Crate and Barrel, Cabela’s, Kohls and Bed Bath and Beyond, among others. However, there were also many references to brands in niche markets or who are online companies, which reflects a few key trends. Web-based companies are using catalogs to extend sales reach and brand awareness. Catalogs are not just for big brands; SMBs are using them too. Also, the market is shifting to away from the big book, general catalogs to smaller titles targeted at niche segments.
Another key finding is that direct marketers continue to see value and invest in direct mail. Direct mail (e.g., letters, flyers, brochures, postcards, etc.) remains in the marketing mix it continues to effectively drive consumers online or into retail stores, and most importantly, make purchases. In fact, two-thirds of direct mail is looked at and over 40% of consumers have made a purchase in the last three months because of a piece of direct mail they received.
With advances in technology, this benchmark study is designed to look at what the future holds for marketers, consumers and direct mail printers as well as the requirements for support from both equipment and software providers. It explores how marketers want to leverage direct mail to effectively engage consumers.