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Epson Releases "Epson Integrated Report 2018"
Nov 19 2018 09:22:26 , 1508

Tokyo, Japan – Seiko Epson Corporation has published the "Epson Integrated Report 2018," which is now available on the company's corporate website.


Investors, shareholders and other stakeholders are increasingly evaluating companies on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance, with integrated reports now a popular means for companies to communicate about this information. Such stakeholders will use the information to assess the company's sustainability as an enterprise, and will look at quantitative financial information and information about operations and strategies to analyze future growth prospects.


Epson will use the Integrated Report as a tool for communicating with stakeholders to foster greater understanding of the company's activities and promote constructive dialog.


Overview of "Epson Integrated Report 2018"

The A4-size and 76-page report is broadly divided into four parts. This fiscal year, we have added new content, including a message regarding financial strategies and financial soundness from Seiko Epson's director of finance and a feature ("Products and Services Benefiting the Environment"). The report also describes the links between Epson's key CSR themes and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Amendments to Epson's Environmental Vision 2050 are also covered.


1. Epson's reasons for being and strategic direction

Management Philosophy, Principles of Corporate Behavior, a History of Value Creation, Key CSR Themes and the SDGs*, the Value Creation Story, Message from the President, Message from the Director of Finance*


2. Growth Strategy

Features* and value creation strategy


3. Business infrastructure and sustainability

Value creation infrastructure (environment*, social, governance)


4. Quantitative corporate data

Financial trends, Group profile, shareholder and share information


* New information or points of emphasis